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Calibrated Under-Packing

Synthetic Fiber Grades


DuraPak is Self-Adhesive packing for "Plates only" this synthetic based press pack is 100% polyester true gauge material. Adhesive backing allows for a firm grip on the plate cylinder and no residue easy removal. Not recommended for long-term use as harsh press chemistries can become trapped under the plastic allowing corrosion to form. [.002"-.024"], Sheets and Rolls, 



PolyPak is a Non-Adhesive 100% polyester plate packing. Typically mounted on plate cylinders with a 3M spray-mount adhesive. Uniformity of gauge helps maintain level cylinder pressures. Not suitable for long-term use as harsh press chemistries can become trapped under the plastic allowing corrosion to form.
[.002"-.014" plus .016" .020", .022"], Sheets and Rolls;

For packing plates, not recommended for blankets 

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