Calibrated Under-Packing
Cellulose Fiber Grades
SunPak is the Number 1 seller worldwide. SunPak Is a versatile and economical fiber based press pack offering tight caliper control, good fiber alignment for strength and gauge consistency. SunPak is Anti-Slip treated to stay in place for reliable long-run pressroom performance. SunPak is available in custom cuts for every press format [.002" - .016"] A dependable performer for 40 years
LithPak II

LithPakII is a SunShine original premium brand of calibrated under-packing. Formulated with refined fibers and treated for optimal performance. LithPakII has Anti-Corrosion attributes to protect cylinders. LithPakII also has excellent "Anti-Wicking" characteristics making LithPakII a perfect choice for the quality demands of all web and sheet-fed pressroom applications. Custom Cut Sheets .002"-.016"
Custom engineered in-house over 20 years ago, ColorPak Is a unique fiber based press packing that identifies calipers through color coding. This assists press operators in visual checks of packing layering. ColorPak is Anti-Slip treated and has Excellent "Anti-Wicking" characteristics making ColorPak a perfect choice for the quality demands of web and sheet-fed pressroom applications.
Sheets and Rolls .003"-.016"

Riegel Press Pack
We have been producing Riegel PressPack for 30 years. Riegel is a versatile and economical fiber based press-packing with good fiber density to absorb press vibrations. Riegel is Anti-Slip treated to resist creeping.
Custom Cut Sheets & Rolls [.003" - .016"]
​PrintStar is an economy grade fiber based press-packing with good density to absorb press vibrations. Anti-Slip treated to resist creeping. A broad selection of standard packed;
Custom Cut Sheets and Rolls [.003" - .016"]